Chillin Life Is Yours Using The Brain

Meaninglessness, and Feeling Meaning

I have been struggling off and on with feeling meaning. It comes in waves. It’s difficult to define how long this last one was, I think it was on and off for almost a year. It was more on struggle this autumn until a few weeks ago.

I think there were a combination of things that helped alleviate it. My mom helped me paint to a much brighter color in my living room and bedroom. And she shared with me a meditation which put me in a purer state of Presence when listening to it. These things helped a lot.

One of the greatest contributions to my sustaining more meaning in these recent weeks is drastically reducing the noise that my brain listens to. I live by myself, and during my free time I’m normally listening to news, sports content, talks, etc. When I cut out all those things and just sat quiet while eating, while cleaning, while brushing my teeth, etc., I was in effect spending more time with a part of my self.

While I care about what’s happening in the world, possibly the greatest meaning is found within my self. Or at least, it was a huge factor that was not getting any attention to Be, and be Present, and quiet. Quiet so that I can discern and feel the meaning that exists in the fabric of the moment.

I feel a lot better now, having cut out a significant amount of distractions from my free time. I automatically sense more meaning in the moment.

Chillin Life Is Yours

How Do You Appreciate Beyond Gratitude? En-joy

How do you appreciate something beyond being grateful? En-joy it. Live it. Liiiiiiiiiiive it.

Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 24

Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 15

Chillin Oetics

How Sacred and Special this Life is

How sacred and special this Life is. It is all sacred space.

This is a sacred walk.

Stand still, until you feel, acknowledge, Breathe the sacredness with every breath


Just Play Your Part

Just play your part


Chillin Inserts

No matter what, Life can change for the better, starting from right Now

Inserts Oetics

a Poem to Grateful

If I stop and think of How my Life is Freely given to me. I don’t know how to earn it, I don’t know of it being bought or earned. I’m Freely here, and I don’t know when its going to end.

And how valuable this is. How divine, gratefulness naturally arises


Gratitude and Happiness

When this difficult thing occurs to us…they are opportunities and those who avail themselves of those opportunities are the ones that you admire, they make something out of Life. And those who fail…get another opportunity. You always get another opportunity. That’s the wonderful richness of Life

-David Steindl-Rast

Chillin Inserts

the false ego wants power

the natural being arrives at Grace naturally

