
There’s a Beauty to the Routine in my Life

It hit me on the bus ride home. It was snowing, peacefully. I was watching the same old scene, the same stores, the Taqueria, the vitamin store, the pizza shop, the lights. And the warmth and peacefulness of the warm, full, quiet bus, and the dark but lit road outside, with people bustling across the narrow street. This is what my life is. This is what it could be every single day, in a way. Me staying a little late to help my coworker teammates with a task. Me being ready to do a little more work tonight at 10pm from home, and then some more careful work tomorrow. Everyone just accepting that this is the life, their life.

And it was a beautiful thought, a beautiful moment. Tears flowed down my face while the bus stopped to pick up a cold couple from the bus stop. I didn’t want those people to see me crying, but it didn’t really matter. This is NYC, I generally don’t know these people. But they are part of my neighborhood fabric in a way.

A beauty to accepting this is my life. The life I have been granted. A life I have worked for, and also have been blessed with.

Thank God.


Chillin Interconnectivity Life Is Yours

The Door is Within

The Door is within.

What the heck does that mean?

I feel like, whatever it is I’m looking for, asking for, wanting…, the access is inside.

It’s not like I need to search and find the door, the “thing”, somewhere out there. Maybe something specific, sure it is physically outside of your body. But as if it does not arrive in your path unless you have opened the door inside you. And that door is arrived as a vibration of your mind, your emotion, your being.

Imagine if you vibrate at certain levels, you actually see different things that exist on those levels. In this case, your own vibration is the door you are looking for to bring that which you want to you.

Now whether or not that thing is a good thing, is a different story, and one I might as well get to here : )

I say, shoot for health. Or meaning.


What is the Answer

What is the Answer?

I don’t even know the question.

I know I’m constantly looking for something.

Whatever it is, it’s not going to be found outside.

Even if I’m looking for human interaction / connection, the answer undoubtedly lies in me, or should I say ‘truths’ in me.

In a way, that’s a good thing.

It’s always there. Even if lost, it’s still with me.

Part of it has to do with needing. Needing / feeding from someone…it’s ultimately the direction or path, is through yourself. But, not the ego / character, more so, that door is found inside.

Maybe the reflections on the outside, which is all reflection, helps point us to that door, that way. And by ‘way,’ I mean honor, focus, source.

I don’t think you, nor I, are exclusively the source, but if you are unsatisfied with the outside, consider looking inside.

Inserts Interconnectivity Quotes

What You Are Looking For is Already Here

Thoughts, reflection on a message from the inner deep. In the midst of self-wallowing about being lonely, single and wanting, a message that came to me again, saying: “What you are looking for is already here.” Not as in I’m going to manifest something. Rather, it is about becoming aware of what is here already.

With Love.

Quotes Relationships

Healthy Power of Human Relationships

A deep and beautiful talk on the healing, fulfilling, and transformative power of authentic human connections.

Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Guided Meditation 2

Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Guided Meditation 1

Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame Vlog 7 – How to meditate…for beginners


Enjoy the Present Now

If you are not enjoying the Present Now,

it will be harder to enjoy the Present if and when you get what you want…


“Though we travel the world to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


It’s About Befriending Who We Already Are

“Meditation practice is not about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we already are.”

-Pema Chodron


Be Easygoing. Smile :) Enjoy Yourself

Be easygoing.

Smile 🙂

Enjoy yourself.

Chillin Free Hands

Happy Thanks Giving!!!


Chillin Quotes

“This young woman knew that she would die in the next few days. But when I talked to her she was cheerful in spite of this knowledge. ‘I am grateful that fate has hit me so hard,’ she told me. ‘In my former life I was spoiled and did not take spiritual accomplishments seriously.’ Pointing through the window of the hut, she said, ‘This tree here is the only friend I have in my loneliness.’ Through that window she could see just one branch of a chestnut tree, and on the branch were two blossoms. ‘I often talk to this tree,’ she said to me. I was startled and didn’t quite know how to take her words. Was she delirious? Did she have occasional hallucinations? Anxiously I asked her if the tree replied. ‘Yes.’ What did it say to her? She answered, ‘It said to me, “I am here–I am here–I am life, eternal life.” ‘ ”

-Viktor E. Frankl Man’s Search for Meaning