How do you appreciate something beyond being grateful? En-joy it. Live it. Liiiiiiiiiiive it.
Tag: moment
If I stop and think of How my Life is Freely given to me. I don’t know how to earn it, I don’t know of it being bought or earned. I’m Freely here, and I don’t know when its going to end.
And how valuable this is. How divine, gratefulness naturally arises
Gratitude and Happiness
When this difficult thing occurs to us…they are opportunities and those who avail themselves of those opportunities are the ones that you admire, they make something out of Life. And those who fail…get another opportunity. You always get another opportunity. That’s the wonderful richness of Life
-David Steindl-Rast
“Each moment is a place you’ve never been.”
-Mark Strand
“At the moment you are most in awe of all there is about life that you don’t understand, you are closer to understanding it all than at any other time.”
-Jane Wagner
“At this very moment reveal the truth!”