Chillin Relationships

The Eyes Have It

Ever looked into someone’s eyes and seen complete understanding? A short talk on the experience of the eyes:

Halloween Hooraaaaaaaaay Life Is Yours Reality

Happy Halloween Birthday =D

Chillin Exponential Potential Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

I do not Seek. I Find.

Referring to Pablo Picasso’s quote “I do not seek. I find” – and how the concept helps me perceive and appreciate the beauty of what is already here, and trying to reduce the ‘chase’.

When I chase certain things, they can be like forms and shapes in a cloud far away – as I get nearer the form disappears and what I thought was there turns out to be an illusion. Instead of chasing / seeking, we can ‘find’ what is here right in front of us, or beside us and around us. Instead of pursuing far away, we can open our senses and experience what we have been brought together with that exist with us right here.

Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog

Spark the Flame – Vlog18 – Love Before Gratitude

Chillin Reality Spark the Flame - Short Vlog

Spark the Flame – Short Vlog16 – Why these Difficulties? Gratitude Before Thought

Reality Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame – Long Podcast 28 – Spontaneous Meaning from Authentic Connection

Live Events Quotes In Person

BookCon 2018 Public Reading of Spark the Flame

I did a public reading of my book Spark the Flame at BookCon at the Jacob Javitz Center in New York City on June 2, 2018. I read from the section/chapater titled “Theory of General Positivity”, pages 46 – 49.

Chillin Inserts Life Is Yours Trying To Not Drink

Straightedge – No Substances

Just wanted to share, that it seems like I will be required to be mostly straightedge. Maybe a little portion of a hookah every once in a blue might be ok, but even that I dont know.

  • I cannot smoke cigarettes because even one now will create in me a hacking coughing fit
  • I cannot drink alcohol because even one sip may cause me to binge where I become a danger to the lives of myself and others
  • I cannot smoke weed, because the last two times I broke my abstinence from marijuana I became extremely emotionally distraught, where I am at risk of wanting to leave this world.

Looks like this leaves me with tea and hot sauce 🙂

Life Is Yours Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 27

Life Is Yours Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 26

Life Is Yours Quotes

A Talk on Having Both Happiness and Meaning

I ran into this very nice talk, and included some great quotes below:

“…for a life to be meaningful, you cant keep looking at the life. You have to see how that life is placed in larger, broader context.”

“…a life that is rich in happiness and rich in meaning….theologian Frederick Buechner I think would label that: finding your calling.”

“Your calling, Buechner says, is that place where your deep gladness, and the world’s deep hunger, meets. Your deep gladness is about you, about what makes you engaged and alive.”

“Finding your calling is discovering what it is that makes you feel alive. And then taking those gifts and skills and moving them out into the world to feed the world’s hunger.”

“…the tension we feel between what we want and what the world needs, is in fact something we don’t want to eliminate, but instead we want to encourage and cultivate.”

“When the world pushes and presses and prods and occasionally pummels you, it is in those moments that you can begin to imagine something different. You need the world and all its adversity, just as desperately as the world needs you.”

“To lead a happy and meaningful life, is to understand the tension that exists between what we want and what the world needs, and to recognize that tension as the gift that it is.”

-Mark Hébert

Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame Vlog 7 – How to meditate…for beginners

Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 18

Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 5





Sometimes we are given distractions on purpose, so that we look elsewhere while our gift is brought right into our hands

Spark The Flame (el libro)

Spark The Flame ebook

Today is publishing day for Spark the Flame ebook! The printed version will likely be out in early 2016.

This ebook is free for everyone, forever. I hope it is useful to many people around the world for generations. Please share it with anyone and enjoy.

Spark the Flame ebook

Spark The Flame (el libro)

Faith Converts Adversity Into Harmony

Faith converts adversity into harmony.

Chillin Inserts Life Is Yours

Everyone Has Their Own Path

Everyone has their own Path


Gratitude and Happiness

When this difficult thing occurs to us…they are opportunities and those who avail themselves of those opportunities are the ones that you admire, they make something out of Life. And those who fail…get another opportunity. You always get another opportunity. That’s the wonderful richness of Life

-David Steindl-Rast

Chillin Quotes In Person

“…the beautiful thing is with Faith you never know how you will get passed things but you just do.”

Quotes In Person

“Your Life will come back to haunt you or to help you.”


Chillin Quotes

“Every minute of life carries with it its miraculous value, and its face of eternal youth.”

-Albert Camus

Fortune Cookie

“Turbulence is a life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.”

Fortune Cookie

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”


“At the moment you are most in awe of all there is about life that you don’t understand, you are closer to understanding it all than at any other time.”

-Jane Wagner

Exponential Potential

Spark The Flame

Spark The Flame. The Flame is within. An inner fire, that grows everytime you focus on it. This is the fire of your power, your power to affect your life and your world. Just like a physical fire, your flame affects everything it comes across, everything.

Spark The Flame, within yourself, and help to Spark the Flame in others. We are all matchstick figures, flammable to the highest degree.


…this is the opportunity to rise out the ashes and evolve into something newer, stronger, better for the future

When life makes all these sudden changes, it means the river is changing course, based on our thoughts energy actions. This is when we must keep positive w/faith

Keeping faith, being grateful, and righteous, will keep the circumstances resulting well, regardless of how they seem at first. They are turning the right way

You just have to keep the steadfast effort in faith, positivity, and the transformation of the circumstances will complete properly. Like caterpillar

At first things may look dire for caterpillar in that casing, but it is necessary step for evolution. The burning of all this unnecessary gunk in ur life,

…is necessary step for your evolution. Keep the faith and positivity and the transformation will complete properly at the right time for you.


“Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.”

-Jawaharlal Nehru


“Tomorrow’s life is too late. Live today.”
