Interconnectivity Quotes

Forgive to Feel your Connection

“What the ego doesn’t try is forgiveness, because that would undermine its very existence. To forgive others for insults, real or imagined, is to weaken the boundary between self and other, to dissolve the sense of separation between subject and object. And thus, with forgiveness, awareness tends to let go of the ego and its insults, and revert instead…[to view] both subject and object equally.”

Ken Wilber, Grace and Grit

Inserts Interconnectivity Quotes

What You Are Looking For is Already Here

Thoughts, reflection on a message from the inner deep. In the midst of self-wallowing about being lonely, single and wanting, a message that came to me again, saying: “What you are looking for is already here.” Not as in I’m going to manifest something. Rather, it is about becoming aware of what is here already.

With Love.

Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 23

Life Is Yours Oetics

This Is A Special Time

This is a special Time.

Are you afraid of losing it?

The adventure. Not knowing the recipe,

not knowing how.

This is special. But don’t be afraid

to lose it.

Don’t be afraid to move on.

We must all do that. We must all


There are more things to do.

Bigger. You must do this


You must continue, you will

leave this time behind,

like you left all other times


And there will be more Times.

And more times.

And more times.

And more Times.

And more times. And more…

Exponential Potential

The More We Can Forgive Others, The More We Can Forgive Ourselves

The More We Can Forgive Others, The More We Can Forgive Ourselves