
Moving. Again

Blessings on you all.

This is the 3rd time I’m moving this year.

The first time was moving my stuff out of my childhood (and parts of my adulthood) home. Quite painful. We had to sell it. Thankfully I had many weeks to do the moving, which meant I had time to process emotionally, and could properly say goodbye. It was difficult.

The second time was a couple of weeks ago, moving from my office to another space where I would have no privacy. This again meant loss of space and having to throw many things out.

Now I’m moving from my rental to my 1st co-op (yay!). But, I’m still throwing things out. This whole thing is difficult, throwing things out. Deciding. Letting go. And moving spaces.

Exponential Potential Life Is Yours Quotes

Inspiration from Pixar Writer and Director Meg LeFauve

Short video from Meg LeFauve, writer/director for Pixar Animation Studios. Here she seamlessly weaves together faith, determination, belief, vulnerability, courage through fear, and other values, talking about her career.

Chillin Free Hands

Sometimes what is needed and feels better is not necessarily to look on the bright side, but rather to see that the not-so-bright side is actually ok; a natural, normal, human part of life…acceptance.

Chillin Interconnectivity Spark the Flame - Short Vlog

Spark the Flame – Short Vlog 12 – Importance of Being Clean

Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame Vlog 7 – How to meditate…for beginners

Exponential Potential Life Is Yours Quotes

Four Pillars of a Meaningful Life

Interconnectivity Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 22

The first guest ever on the Spark the Flame podcast, my mom! Zoraida Diaz, with over 20 years experience in professional counseling. Psychotherapist, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), CASAC (Credentialed Alcohol + Substance Abuse Counselor). Absolute overall wonderful incredible person, full of grit for Life and the Spirit, and my personal hero.

Chillin Quotes In Person

Doc: “If you feel the bumps, you know you can smooth them out.

This means, most of the time, it is better to feel the bumps, than to numb them. Feeling provides you information, direction, insight, experience…”the fruit of Life“.



That is a beauty of this world: Things keep going

That is a beauty of this world: Things keep going. Things keep growing.

No matter what has occurred, Life will reach out, growing again.

Fortune Cookie

“The mightiest oak in the forest is just a little nut that held its ground.”

Oetics Quotes

Bruce Lee and Self Expression

Bruce Lee and Self Expression


No matter how far and advanced we get, it seems like we always have some falling to “look forward to.”

…another chance to learn….


“It’s not a test, it’s an opportunity to be the person you want to be”

Sometimes Life comes with events that people call “problems”, “challenges”, “tests”, “opportunities”. Since we make our destiny in the moment, these are all asking to be done in a good way

Life Is Yours

Things are meant to change. People are meant to change. Growth is change and so is death. When something outlives its usefulness and purpose, it must go. Empires lasting hundreds of years eventually fallen. Languages and cultures and lifestyles have gone so that new ones may arise. Change is a part of life, and humans are agents of that change. Over millennia we’ve affected and changed the outcomes of countless species of plants and animals, and terrain. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years, millions! By comparison it’s estimated homo sapiens have been around for 200,000. Now the dinosaurs are gone.

Things change, people change. You cannot prevent yourself from affecting and changing the world. Just by living, you affect the entire planet

Your power is the power of growth and change. You embody the agent of change, if you were to but direct it on to your ambition, change occurs with every single step. And when your path converges on others with the same ambition with same direction of change, the results are amplified manyfold. Things canot remain the same so long as you are discontent. Change is your right, your nature, your duty.

Any way you cut it, you are on a journey. And you are the only one who can decide what this journey will entail. This is similar to the journey of a role playing game, except the game exists in a world of limitation, and you do not.

Our world is without limitation, without boundary, and is awaiting your commands. You have the choices; the power and the duty to create change. You are living an entire lifetime of experiences exclusive to you. You are the Captain, you are in control. Now you decide…what’s next?

Exponential Potential

You must always be willing to learn, because when you stop learning you also stop growing