Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog

Spark the Flame – Vlog18 – Love Before Gratitude

Life Is Yours Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 26


“Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars…and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they aren’t going to become first ministers or presidents and they aren’t going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers–for no reason. It’s simply unbelievable how happy flowers are.”


Life Is Yours

Your Own Path

So you are born. That’s happened to us all. Well some say Jesus was ‘begotten,’ but you were most likely born.

Now what? You go thru life. You choose what to do, every second of everyday.

Some may think that they do not have a choice, but really ‘choice’ is a fundamental part of our existence.

You exercise choice all your life. we may think we have no choice in certain things, go to school, go to family gathering, sell drugs to make ends meet.

Who’s In Charge?

Who was born? You were born. You were born and put in charge of your body, and mind. Who is at the helm? Who controls the motor functions of your body? And the subject matter of your mental focus? You do. You are in charge of yourself. You decide how + when to move muscles, you decide what to put your mind onto.

Like it or not, you are in charge of your mind and body. I would hope you like it, because with such tools, the human mind and body, you can steer yourself any way you like.

You are in charge of these things, you have the potential to be in control of these things. We are born this way, so that those would become under our control. Does it make sense any other way? Are we meant to be in control of ourselves? Are you meant to be in control of yourself?