Life Is Yours Oetics

This Is A Special Time

This is a special Time.

Are you afraid of losing it?

The adventure. Not knowing the recipe,

not knowing how.

This is special. But don’t be afraid

to lose it.

Don’t be afraid to move on.

We must all do that. We must all


There are more things to do.

Bigger. You must do this


You must continue, you will

leave this time behind,

like you left all other times


And there will be more Times.

And more times.

And more times.

And more Times.

And more times. And more…




Exponential Potential

You make the decision of who you’re going to be

Right there, an important decision means who youre going to be

Life Is Yours

Things are meant to change. People are meant to change. Growth is change and so is death. When something outlives its usefulness and purpose, it must go. Empires lasting hundreds of years eventually fallen. Languages and cultures and lifestyles have gone so that new ones may arise. Change is a part of life, and humans are agents of that change. Over millennia we’ve affected and changed the outcomes of countless species of plants and animals, and terrain. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years, millions! By comparison it’s estimated homo sapiens have been around for 200,000. Now the dinosaurs are gone.

Things change, people change. You cannot prevent yourself from affecting and changing the world. Just by living, you affect the entire planet

Your power is the power of growth and change. You embody the agent of change, if you were to but direct it on to your ambition, change occurs with every single step. And when your path converges on others with the same ambition with same direction of change, the results are amplified manyfold. Things canot remain the same so long as you are discontent. Change is your right, your nature, your duty.

Any way you cut it, you are on a journey. And you are the only one who can decide what this journey will entail. This is similar to the journey of a role playing game, except the game exists in a world of limitation, and you do not.

Our world is without limitation, without boundary, and is awaiting your commands. You have the choices; the power and the duty to create change. You are living an entire lifetime of experiences exclusive to you. You are the Captain, you are in control. Now you decide…what’s next?

Fortune Cookie

“Turbulence is a life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.”

Quotes In Person

“Dreaming of that place we all look for. We try to achieve. That quiet peaceful place where we feel powerful and aren’t afraid. The place where our brain is used at it’s capacity. So the potential is unlimited.

Where there is no fear.

Just love and fresh air and healthy water.

Lots of tall trees with deep mysterious shadows and beautiful moving bodies of water that teach us that life is always renewing itself.

Reminding us that change is un-avoidable. Part of growing.”

-Paola Andrea

Life Is Yours

What I Do Matters

You are always affecting yourself, and your surroundings. Everytime you do, or dont do something, you are directly causing the results you experience.

I’m not in control of my life

You are the decision maker. Whether you like it or not, that’s the deal. All decisions about your life fall ultimately square on your shoulders.

I dont have the right to do what I want to do

Hey, this is your ilfe. Nobody else can live it for you. Not your parents, not your teachers, not your friends, not your kids. Exclusive rights to do what you want, belongs to you. Your life, your rights.

I dont deserve to be happy.

You damn skippy you deserve to be happy. Why not? Why would someone else deserve happiness, and not you? As far as we can tell, every happy person on this planet is still a human being, just like you. They are the same species as you. If they can be happy, so can you. If they have the right, so do you.

I cant change things

Of course you can. People have been changing things throughout recorded human history. People have changed things about themselves, things about others, and things about the world. Society would still be living in caves, building fires every night, if humans couldn’t change. You are the same as everyone else in that respect, you can change things.

I can only do so much

Yes, you can. And you can do even more than that. There is no limit to what you can accomplish. The only limits that exist are the ones you accept. Every “limit” has its answer, its resolution. Its antidote.