You make the decision of who you’re going to be
Right there, an important decision means who youre going to be
A book that desires to inspire people to see and reach more of their positive potential. This in turn helps others.
You make the decision of who you’re going to be
Right there, an important decision means who youre going to be
Remember your Goal,
and always look, be open to opportunities for the next step.
“At times our own light…is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
-Albert Schwietzer
I accept and believe evaluate whatever I’m told and taught
The world is round…can you prove it? Antarctica is very cold…how do you know? You have trusted what has been taught to you. Why? Because we are taught to do so. We are taught to accept what we are told and not to question it.
The opposite of this is called “Critical Thinking“. This is when you evaluate things that you are exposed to, so that you do not just blindly believe, but have thought it thru and have questioned the information. When you are a critical thinker you make far less mistakes in Life, because you evaluate the information you encounter.
Who are you going to follow?
Follow your self. Follow…your…self.
Follow your * self.
Lift yourself up. Take control.
Do not put limitations on the infinite.
The circle represents the border of the radar, and the shape in the center is the individual
The stars inside the radar are events, situations, circumstances, people places and things – possibilities that are “seen” by the individual. The stars outside the radar represent the possibilities that are not seen by the individual…beyond the senses and unimagined.
You do not know what good things are out there for you, but it is your Faith that draws them to you. Your Faith brings things that are beyond your imagination into your grasp.
Faith has made events occur that were once unimaginable. There is one large event that has gotten much closer to the individual’s perception, and needs only a continuation of sustained Faith to enter the person’s “world”
Things are meant to change. People are meant to change. Growth is change and so is death. When something outlives its usefulness and purpose, it must go. Empires lasting hundreds of years eventually fallen. Languages and cultures and lifestyles have gone so that new ones may arise. Change is a part of life, and humans are agents of that change. Over millennia we’ve affected and changed the outcomes of countless species of plants and animals, and terrain. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years, millions! By comparison it’s estimated homo sapiens have been around for 200,000. Now the dinosaurs are gone.
Things change, people change. You cannot prevent yourself from affecting and changing the world. Just by living, you affect the entire planet
Your power is the power of growth and change. You embody the agent of change, if you were to but direct it on to your ambition, change occurs with every single step. And when your path converges on others with the same ambition with same direction of change, the results are amplified manyfold. Things canot remain the same so long as you are discontent. Change is your right, your nature, your duty.
Any way you cut it, you are on a journey. And you are the only one who can decide what this journey will entail. This is similar to the journey of a role playing game, except the game exists in a world of limitation, and you do not.
Our world is without limitation, without boundary, and is awaiting your commands. You have the choices; the power and the duty to create change. You are living an entire lifetime of experiences exclusive to you. You are the Captain, you are in control. Now you decide…what’s next?
My beliefs wont allow me to do what I want
Guess what, your beliefs, just like everything else about you, are your own decision. You choose your beliefs, they dont choose you. What will make you happier? It’s up to you.
Spark The Flame. The Flame is within. An inner fire, that grows everytime you focus on it. This is the fire of your power, your power to affect your life and your world. Just like a physical fire, your flame affects everything it comes across, everything.
Spark The Flame, within yourself, and help to Spark the Flame in others. We are all matchstick figures, flammable to the highest degree.
Spirituality and being open your foundation
Go on the journey, what you require will come.
Shouldve followed thru with the impulse because whatever happens is gonna be good anyway as long as youre feeling good
When you do not see a viable choice for yourself, ask yourself to help you decide. You are asking your subconscious, the part of the brain that is working “under the radar”, to evaluate your situation and come up with a desirable choice of action.
You can never ever, ever be completely alone, because you always have your “self”. Your “self” is your most powerful ally, and your self will never leave you. You can shape and train your self to be whoever you want.
It doesnt matter if a hundred, a thousand, or a million people have not accomplished what you dream of doing, they are not you. They have completely different lives, experiences, thoughts, and actions. Their shortcomings have no bearing on you, because this is your life, your story, your journey. Their story is done, yours is still being written. And you are the writer. You.
You affect everything around you, your worry increases reality of that worry.
You’re knowledge that everything is turning out great, so it is done
Your perspective is one of your most powerful tools. Your perspective greatly influences your thoughts and actions towards something
Person A says “I cant jump this wall”
Person A Will not even try
Person B says “This wall is pretty damn tall, I might be able to jump it”
Person B Will try a few times
Person C says “I know I can jump this wall.”
Person C Will try until reaches success
You are always affecting yourself, and your surroundings. Everytime you do, or dont do something, you are directly causing the results you experience.
I’m not in control of my life
You are the decision maker. Whether you like it or not, that’s the deal. All decisions about your life fall ultimately square on your shoulders.
I dont have the right to do what I want to do
Hey, this is your ilfe. Nobody else can live it for you. Not your parents, not your teachers, not your friends, not your kids. Exclusive rights to do what you want, belongs to you. Your life, your rights.
I dont deserve to be happy.
You damn skippy you deserve to be happy. Why not? Why would someone else deserve happiness, and not you? As far as we can tell, every happy person on this planet is still a human being, just like you. They are the same species as you. If they can be happy, so can you. If they have the right, so do you.
I cant change things
Of course you can. People have been changing things throughout recorded human history. People have changed things about themselves, things about others, and things about the world. Society would still be living in caves, building fires every night, if humans couldn’t change. You are the same as everyone else in that respect, you can change things.
I can only do so much
Yes, you can. And you can do even more than that. There is no limit to what you can accomplish. The only limits that exist are the ones you accept. Every “limit” has its answer, its resolution. Its antidote.
You may have heard the phrase “Power perceived is Power acheived.” This is essentially correct, however grossly misused. When people use this phrase, they usually mean “Power perceived (by others), is Power acheived (within yourself).” Using that phrase in this way is erroneous, and will never lead you to true power. Rather, “Power perceived (within), is Power acheived (within).” True power only sprouts from within, and the way others perceive you will be a testament to exactly how much power you perceive within, yourself. And there is no end to it. Remember, dig deeper, and all you’ll find is more to find…you are a creation of the infinite…you are literally made of infinite parts, it is impossible to count your particles!
Your brain allows you to realize this, and when you realize that you are an infinite being, you realize that your potential is infinite as well. There is no limit to what you can do, because there is no limit to you!!!
You know how people say we only use 10% of our brain? Or something like that? In a way it’s true. Your brain is chugging all day and all night, whether you know it or not. So it is actually working, the thing is most people dont direct it in an efficient manner, so much of it is working on something other than what you would like.
So you are born. That’s happened to us all. Well some say Jesus was ‘begotten,’ but you were most likely born.
Now what? You go thru life. You choose what to do, every second of everyday.
Some may think that they do not have a choice, but really ‘choice’ is a fundamental part of our existence.
You exercise choice all your life. we may think we have no choice in certain things, go to school, go to family gathering, sell drugs to make ends meet.
Who’s In Charge?
Who was born? You were born. You were born and put in charge of your body, and mind. Who is at the helm? Who controls the motor functions of your body? And the subject matter of your mental focus? You do. You are in charge of yourself. You decide how + when to move muscles, you decide what to put your mind onto.
Like it or not, you are in charge of your mind and body. I would hope you like it, because with such tools, the human mind and body, you can steer yourself any way you like.
You are in charge of these things, you have the potential to be in control of these things. We are born this way, so that those would become under our control. Does it make sense any other way? Are we meant to be in control of ourselves? Are you meant to be in control of yourself?
You must always be willing to learn, because when you stop learning you also stop growing
The external doesnt necessarily have to directly affect you to be influenced. Like a Full Moon. The Full Moon doesnt physically have to turn people into monsters, or somehow change how they act. People will look at the sky and say “Oh look, it’s a Full Moon tonight, let’s do something crazy!” People do it themselves. And police reports will tell you that crime and wayward behavior generally increase on a Full Moon. But regardless of any direct affects of the moon itself, people will change their own behavior, their own thoughts and actions, solely on the fact that the moon is full, and what that means to them.
Your brain is very much like a lump of clay, where you can actively mold it to be whatever you want. With time and effort, your brain will take the form of anything you can imagine. The brain of a hero, the brain of a writer, the brain of a president…anything you can imagine, you can become. The brain is your tool, your physical tool that creates these realities.
The brain has to work this way, otherwise humans could have never come as far as we have. We needed to adapt and transform ourselves into what was necessary to survive, succeed, and excel/surpass.
When you change your brain, your brain changes you. It changes how you think and how you act. These in turn change your life. To grasp full control, you must be aware of the status of your brain, how it is being shaped in this moment, and if this coincides with the results you wish to have.
Remember, your brain is modifiable like clay, not permanent like concrete. Every day the brain changes. You might as well learn to use it.
You have to keep doing it, and trust that it is working inside of you. Like a seed, you cant sitr up the ground the day after you planted it, you have to let it surface without disturbance, without doubt. Take care of it, continue to feed it and provide the correct environment, and it will show itself..
You are not going to make anybody else happy. Why? Only they can make themselves happy.You have to act on your own desires, your own wants. You could be doing great by everyone else’s standards and comments, but if you are not personally happy with what you’re doing, then what is the point?
Let’s say you’ve always wanted to be a star quarterback for the NFL, thati is your dream. Instead, you’ve ended up as the starting pitcher for the New York Yankees. Everyone is so proud, so admiring, and in awe, of your achievement. You make millions, and you are starting pitcher for the Yankees.
Yet, that is not what you want. That is what others may want; some may want it for themselves, some may want it for you. But that is not what you want for you. People congratulate you and say that you have succeeded in life, yet you are at a place where you do not want to be.
Therefore, if you are not aiming for what you want for yourself, for what you desire, then at least ask yourself why. Why are you aiming for something you do not want?
Maybe your reason(s) will satisfy you, maybe they wont. Maybe you cant think of any.
The decision is yours. Because this life is yours, you have the choice to do what you like with your life. And so you have a choice, do what you want, or do what you dont want.
Aim for what you want, or aim for what you dont want.
What do I mean by Life Is Yours?
You are given Life, you are the caretaker and commander of your life. you decide what you want, based on your feelings. You could do things, live you r life for others, but that is your decision.
When you live the way you choose, you are taking control.
What do I mean, Your Own Path?
You are here to go your own way. not that you can’t or shouldn’t follow a path thats been taken before, but you have been given the gift of choice and decision.
Essentially, you are always going to have yourself to keep you company. You are the only person that is guaranteed to always follow you around.
Everyone makes decisions all the time, every moment of the day.
You have decided to sit down and drink a coffee. Every moment you are exercising choice. When you pick up the cup, when you sip, when the cup is sitting on the table and you stare blankly out the window, these are all choices that you make.
Choice is fundamental. You always have choice.
If you are in a class, and you need to pass, you have a choice to do the work or not