Chillin Spark The Flame (el libro)

The official publishing of Spark the Flame, the book, is coming soon. Should be available in print, and for free download on this website, before this Christmas. Maybe much sooner 🙂

Chillin Interconnectivity Oetics

The Cleaner Your Motives, The Safer You Are

The cleaner your motives, the safer you are.

Another way to say it is:

To clear up your dangers, clean up your motives.

Act with good intention towards Life and its inhabitants, and Life will reciprocate towards you.

Exponential Potential

When you realize you don’t have control of the situation…


Trust in Life

Life Is Yours Spark The Flame (el libro)

This Is Your Life – 2009 Draft

This is an old draft of the first part of Spark The Flame. It looks different than the way the first part looks today. Enjoy 🙂


This is Your Life

There is no other

You are a unique individual, and there is beauty in the unique. When people or things stand out, it is because of their difference. They stand out when they refuse to be like the others, when they allow themselves to shine.



Growth is a law by which you can choose to participate or not. Apparently this law is connected with happiness and satisfaction, for if you are not growing you are dying, and you will gain the corresponding feelings.

People need to grow, it is a need that not everyone realizes. If you are not bettering yourself in something…learning something, building something you care about, working towards a purpose important to you – if you are not growing in some way, you will experience the consequences thru your feelings. Your feelings will reflect to you the stagnation that has become your life. These feelings come about in part to spur you into some form of forward movement. If you are not growing, you are dying.



Your ability to do things, to accomplish, comes from nowhere else but you. If you look to others for your power, you will never find it. If you allow others to exert power over you, they will readily do so.

There is no limit, no cap on your potential. Limitations exist only when you believe in them. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, either way you’re right.” – Henry Ford

When you accept limitations placed on you by someone else, or by society, you are doing so voluntarily. Those limitations are completely false and fictitious…until you believe them.

No one can stop you. The world is yours. Only you can stop yourself, with a mindset full of false limitations. Failure does not occur unless you give up.

Human potential is unlimited, without boundaries, without borders. There is no end until you say so. The race is over when you stop running. Otherwise, there is only persistence, progress, and growth.

It’s up to you, it’s always up to you. You can accept all kinds of false limitations placed upon you by others, and you can even conjure them unto yourself. However, this results in nothing more than parlor tricks, because these limitations are not truly there – the illusion is created with smoke and mirrors, and dissipates as you move to conquer it. Suddenly, all that is left is a clear path to your ambitions and well beyond. Take it. Follow your heart and passion and realize you are in command of your life, no one else.

Every storm eventually ends. Every poison has an antithesis. Every problem has a solution.

You are unlimited by nature, and so is your potential.



Choice is all around you, every moment of life is comprised of choice. Even when there seems to be no choice, choice is all you have. Whether they are “good,” “bad,” or unacknowledged, choices and options will be your constant companion for all your days. The more you open up to the possibilities around you, the more choices you will begin to “see.” Whether you see them or not, they are there.

You are never closed in, you are never left without options. That is the opposite of life. Without choice there wouldn’t be life.

Only you can decide what your options are. Who is to say what is an option for you and what is not? Don’t let anyone dictate what your choices are. You will always have more options than you, or anybody else, can ever realize.


This is Your Life

This is Your Life. Take it. If you don’t exercise control over your life then someone else will. What gives them right to have control over the life that belongs to you? Find and select a purpose and run with it. Nothing is out of your league, nothing is unobtainable. Decide what you want, and make it so.



The height of laziness is when you refuse to take responsibility over what happens to you. When you do not take responsibility you transform yourself into a victim. As long as something else made your life the way it is, then something else is in control. If you believe you are where you are because of other forces, you internalize the role of the victim. The victim, who holds no power. The victim, who does not wield control over his or her own circumstances. The victim, who cannot do anything about their situation because they are at the mercy of other people, culture, society. The role of the victim leaves you powerless, a broken vessel tossed by the chaos of a hurricane.

When you choose to be a victim, you relinquish your power. When you accept power, you cannot be a victim, because power means that you are in control. You are in control, and your world is your responsibility. You can be the captain of your ship, steering with purpose, direction, and control; or you can be the broken vessel, no captain, no leadership, no control, crashing about the rugged water – the victim who holds no sway over the circumstances of his or her life, but rather is at the behest of external forces.

As long as you are a victim you do not have power. Do you see that they cannot coexist? Being a victim means “I am not in control of what happens to me.” Power means “I am in control of what happens to me.” The choice is yours to make. The more power you want, the more responsibility you must accept for what happens to you. Those who wield the most inner power are never “victims,” they accept full responsibility for what they experience – good, bad or ugly.


Victim                                                                                                                      Power

“Others are responsible for                                                              “I am responsible for  what happens to me”                                                                       what happens to me”




Things are meant to change. People are meant to change. Growth is change, so is death. When something outlives its usefulness and purpose, it must go. Empires that lasted hundreds of years have eventually fallen. Languages, customs, and artifacts have disappeared into history so that new ones may arise. Change is a part of life, and humans are agents of that change. Over hundreds of thousands of years we have affected and changed the outcomes of countless species of plants, animals, and earthly terrain. Dinosaurs roamed the planet for millions of years. Millions! And now those dinosaurs are gone.

Things change, people change. You cannot prevent yourself from affecting and changing the world. Just by living, you affect the entire planet.

Your power is the power of growth and change. You embody the agent of change. If you direct it onto the path of your ambition, change would occur with every single step. And when your path converges with others heading towards the same ambition, with the same direction of change, the results are amplified exponentially. Things cannot remain the same so long as you are discontent. Change is your right, your nature, your duty.



Any way you cut it, you are on a journey. And you are the only one who can decide what this journey will entail. This is similar to the journey of an RPG video game, except the video game exists in a world of limitation. You and I do not. Our world is without limitation, without boundary, and is awaiting your commands. You have the choices. You have the power to create change. You are living an entire lifetime of experiences exclusive to you. You are the captain, you are in control. Now you decide…what’s next?

Exponential Potential Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

Love Is Key, And You Are The Keyhole

Love is key, and you are the keyhole

Chillin Free Hands Interconnectivity Using The Brain

A Charmed Life

Things are fine for you when you feel fine for you. They may come out of nowhere, and shock you, but if you hold the “this is fine”, “it is going to be ok” feeling constant, things reorder themselves to be fine for you.


If your perspective is at a general high/up/optimistic constant, Life will appear magical, because things are reordered in ways that appear crazy, to meet you on your perspective. Throughout the low times, your high perspective continues to carry you through, until Life comes seemingly out of nowhere again to meet your high perspective with a beautiful gracious blessed set of events.

Keep your perspective high, your optimism, and you invite the perception and experience of a charmed Life.

Free Hands Interconnectivity Oetics

True Love Inwards Flows Outwards


Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

Theory of General Positivity, Version 1

Here is another excerpt from Spark The Flame, as it is currently evolving:

Faith converts adversity into harmony. Faith is the trust that when you aim to do the right thing in thought and action, Life evolves well for you. Faith is the heart muscle of your spiritual core. This muscle is especially exercised when you encounter adversity. Based on your perception, things are either in the process of working out for you or they are not. When you hold the premise that things are working out for you no matter what is occurring in your Life, and you do all you can to aid that premise in thought and action, this is a faith that converts adversity into harmony. Sometimes it works transparently, sometimes very mysteriously; but given time, faith always proves itself. Always.

The effort to recover from adversity and mistakes brings you growth and elicits assistance from Life. Challenges will occur all your life, they serve as a way to grow. If you are not growing, you are dying. For humans, stagnation devolves into decay. There are always ways to grow and you must always exercise this effort. Sincere effort opens further paths to progress.

Mistakes are part of Life and must be forgiven. You must forgive yourself. You must forgive others. You can always change your course and recover; this is human blessing.

Regardless of how it appears from this vantage point, there is a great harmony to everything in existence. Somehow there is benefit to this: what is happening now. If you aim to do right, something good has to come of it. It must by universal law.

Doing the right thing means playing your harmonious part. You are a piece of the puzzle that is the Whole. When you live abiding by the uniqueness of your core, your particular piece of the puzzle, you are being authentic.

Authenticity is the special way you will create change. It is a special way that you find meaning. When you are not trying to fit in as some other piece of the puzzle, but rather unleashing the freedom of expression that flows between your core and the rest of the world, you are running a divine plan imprinted in your Soul. This gives you relief, inspiration and empowerment. Authenticity will unlock your passion, unbridled divine energy that flows to you and through you because you have aligned so well with the greater harmony. You are literally living the part you were made for. The world needs your authenticity, and all are blessed when you embrace it.

For true authenticity you must forgive and accept yourself. The more you can forgive and accept yourself, the more you can forgive and accept others. Remember, Life has already forgiven and accepted you, always. This is healing. This is necessary for humanity to survive.

The following is a quoted ‘loving kindness meditation’:

If anyone has hurt me or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word or deed, I freely forgive them.

And I too ask forgiveness if I have hurt anyone or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word or deed.

Quotes Using The Brain

And herein we find the secret of propelling our heart’s desires from the state of imagination to the reality of our everyday lives. It’s our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, our wishes are fulfilled, and our prayers already answered.”

The Divine Matrix – Gregg Braden

Note: If you already feel the way you would if this circumstance were true, then on many levels, it doesn’t matter whether it is actually true or not. It seems like this is often the place where the magic happens….

Spark The Flame (el libro)

Faith Converts Adversity Into Harmony

Faith converts adversity into harmony.

Chillin Inserts Life Is Yours

Everyone Has Their Own Path

Everyone has their own Path

Chillin Interconnectivity Life Is Yours Spark The Flame (el libro) Using The Brain


The aim is to publish the first edition of SparkTheFlame in paperback in 2015. Currently it’s shaping to be a small book of about 40 pages.

Here will be published the first few sections, which comprise much of the book. Enjoy!

This Is Your Life

  • Your Life has been entrusted to you. You have a sacred duty to your Life.
  • Your Life depends on you to live and thrive, to shine the world with its true expression.
  • You are the only custodian, the sole guardian of your Life. You can place this sacred responsibility in the hands of another, but that is your choice to make. If you do this, choose your surrogate wisely.
  • It is up to you to create your Life. It is your responsibility, your duty, your blessing.
  • Life is yours to enjoy if you please. Happiness is your choice, and when it occurs, it occurs Now.
  • If your Life is not going the direction you want, you must make changes and steer in a different direction. You are the one to do it.
  • If you believe, you will receive the help you need. It may come in unexpected space and time, but it will show.
  • Everyone has the right to direct their own Life.
  • Doing what you feel and know is best in your heart, even if painful to yourself or others, will assure positive return.
  • We are all learning. We are all students. Always give yourself room for mistakes, they help us grow.
  • Anything and Everything can be part of your good story, with good endings.
  • Love is a journey. Happiness, success, health, wealth…they are not destinations. They are all journeys. They all begin Now, and accompany you on the path.

Using The Brain

  • Every thought, word, action, and feeling you experience changes the physical shape of your brain and influences your behavioral inclinations. This physical altering of your brain is called neuroplasticity.
  • The more you repeat any thought, word, action, or feeling, the more likely you are to do it again. Each time you do so carves a deeper etching into your brain and being.
  • To create a habit of something, practice it. To break a habit, practice the opposite. Practice who you want to be, and your brain will transform accordingly, following your lead and instruction to become the person of your ideal.
  • The brain works very mysteriously. It connects with Life to produce situations and circumstances that represent, reflect, and reinforce the person who you are right Now.
  • Deliberately continue the experience “I am blessed,” and your mind will produce surrounding conditions and personal perspective to confirm this.
  • Your choice and your gift is to custom-tailor your brain to create a world dear to your heart.


  • Everything in the universe is connected and part of a Whole.
  • Everything you do affects everything else. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words reach the world, touching and affecting everything everywhere.
  • For something to be truly done in your betterment, you must aim for the betterment of all.
  • When you help someone else, you help yourself.
  • It is sacred to fill yourself with positivity. This reflects back onto the world.
  • We are like waves of the ocean. Connected to everything in the ocean, through the ocean, but also having distinctive shape and form. The wave may crash and meld back into the larger ocean, but it can take shape and form again, all the while remaining ever connected and part of the all-encompassing ocean.
  • All contains All. Every portion of this universe contains the whole universe. All information in this universe is everywhere at the same time. All things have equal inherent value.
  • The outside world is a reflection of your inside world. To create change on the outside, make change on the inside.
Chillin Exponential Potential

Humility helps us to be invested in benefit for all, which in turn benefits us. This way things turn out best.


Exponential Potential

You have to be OK with mistakes.

Because you know what?

You’re going to make them.

Life Is Yours Oetics

This Is A Special Time

This is a special Time.

Are you afraid of losing it?

The adventure. Not knowing the recipe,

not knowing how.

This is special. But don’t be afraid

to lose it.

Don’t be afraid to move on.

We must all do that. We must all


There are more things to do.

Bigger. You must do this


You must continue, you will

leave this time behind,

like you left all other times


And there will be more Times.

And more times.

And more times.

And more Times.

And more times. And more…

Exponential Potential Quotes

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all – Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Exponential Potential

The More We Can Forgive Others, The More We Can Forgive Ourselves

The More We Can Forgive Others, The More We Can Forgive Ourselves

Inserts Interconnectivity

Personal Production

My production, where is it going?

My effort represents personal production towards existence with every moment.

If I have high production and it is steered always good energy, your effort of direction, toward the good, gains you reward and padding of good vibration. Even if your current feelings mismatch.

Add gratefulness and humility so you keep the desire for good

And Faith

Using The Brain

To improve you must remove negative influences from your life. They each are like holes in your vessel (ship), no matter how small they work only to impede your progress. The strongest, quickest vessel is the one with a solid hull; stable, whole, able to master the greatest of storms encountered. Every hole will work to impede you, no matter the size or shape. You must repair each one.

Chillin Inserts Interconnectivity

The situation can change. Anything can happen right now. You never know.

Think positive, pull positive, and the likelihood of things changing for the positive increases

Exponential Potential Inserts

Desire The Good Thing

Desire The Good Thing

How do I desire the good thing?

Inserts Life Is Yours

Everything Moves At Its Own Pace

Everything moves at its own pace.

If you observe nature, both living and “non”, you notice everything has a time, seasons, currents, and its own way.

Life Is Yours

I cant do anything

Yes, you can. Humans are the most intelligent species known on this planet. You are limited only by your belief that you are limited.

Human history is full of individuals and groups overcoming obstacles that were thought to be insurmountable. Anything can be overcome. Any problem, issue, or obstacle can be overcome, because we have the ability to continually improve ourself. Humans can identify an obstacle, and working together or alone, (with Faith), can use the mind to find a solution, or suitable way forward.

Every ‘issue’ or problem you encounter, you have the capability to overcome. This means that you can do anything.


The answer you want may not be the answer you receive. But you will always have a way forward, somewhere in time and space…or elsewhere

Exponential Potential

You do not truly succeed if you are taking advantage of others. When you hold people back, you prevent your own growth. To build, you must build everyone and everything you interact with. Everyone and everything you work with. When you build in this manner, each component becomes stronger for your benefit. Even if you achieve goals by taking advantage, you are holding yourself back from much more than this, you have reached a miniscule step upon a colossal ladder that leads to other than your best interest.

Exponential Potential

Things will not change unless you change them, you have to take an active role in anything you want to change. Even thinking or feeling differently about something is an active role.

By thinking or feeling differently towards something you change your perspective, and more change occurs.

Exponential Potential Oetics Quotes In Person

An Old Poem, Brought Unto A Dream







Remember Your Goal

Remember your Goal, and always look for,

be open to opportunities for the next step.

Activates Law of Attraction

Using The Brain

Your Thought Vessel

These are the thoughts that appear in your awareness. They affect you greatly, how you act, how you progress. They affect your perspective, which creates the canvass for your world.

When you say “I suck at this” or “I’m not good enough”, if you feel and believe what you are saying, you brain makes it so. Your brain will work and work constantly to build you into what you wish (think), it truly is the greatest muscle.

Normal muscles go only in so many directions, but the brain can take you to anywhere you tell it to.

To improve you must remove all negative influences in your life. They each are like holes in your vessel, no matter how small, they work only to impede your progress. The strongest, quickest most reliable vessel is the one with a solid hull; stable, whole, able to master the greatest of storms encountered. Every hole will work to impede you, no matter the size or shape. You must repair each one.

No matter how big or small, all sources of negativity must be replaced with objects/sources of growth.

Life Is Yours

Infinite choice at every moment

Even choices and options that dont seem like choices and options, are but a fraction of the choices and options you have

Every thought you have, every feeling you have, every action and movement you make, affects your life and your world



Exponential Potential

You are a unique combination of potential. Everything is a potential, if it is a potential on the molecular level