Chillin Quotes In Person Using The Brain

It’s Beautiful When the Simple Things Make You Happy

Let me quote my mom and myself for a minute.

Yesterday my mom texted me: “I finally have an armoire to put my sheets in. Yay! So silly the things that make you happy when you get to my age. Have a wonderul day. Love you!!!” And I replied to her: “It’s beautiful when the simple things make you happy mom ❤️”

I have been struggling with gratitude recently. As I said to someone a few days ago:

“I feel like the practice of gratitude for me…I have to keep working on it….its like I get called / lured away from this gratitude, by these social cues / lures for things that I desire, not really material things but more ideas of a ‘better life’, like an amazing self-business or making so much $ from selling books, or having the whole family and everything with amazing job….but I look at people with fame, with $ and status, with great work, and I know they have sacrificed, probably things I dont want to sacrifice, things I truly value, like the people in my life, my loved ones. health, people, meaning and comfort. so this means that really, I think I have what I value the most, and I dont want to lose it soon, not before its natural time….I have to be grateful. and its this constant exercise of not only telling myself that this life is ok, but looking at it in its gorgeous illustrious beauty, because it is beautiful. gratitude really gives us beautiful lenses to see everything with.”

So, I think it is beautiful when we can appreciate the small, simple things. In fact I think appreciating the small simple things expands them in a way to be bigger and even more beautiful things. A key to happiness? Hmm….

Chillin Interconnectivity Quotes In Person Reality

A Decision Can Change Your Life

“A Decision Can Change Your Life” – Janine Diaz

Chillin Quotes In Person

The Confidence to be Humble

The other day I sat in a webinar where I heard LL Cool J say something very close to the following:

Humility is a super power. And I’m not talking about pseudo humility, where you are sitting at the back pew of the church thinking you should be sitting in the front. I’m talking about real humility – having the confidence to be humble; embracing your humanity.

Chillin Quotes In Person

There’s strength, peace & increased faith that comes with being more spiritual. It’s a daily battle.

Trials & struggles often test your faith & spirituality & show aspects of character deficiencies. They are opportunities for deeper spiritual growth. Regardless of how you feel continue to press on.

-Talia Dyce, Nurse & Friend Extraordinaire

Chillin Interconnectivity Quotes In Person

Our Health is Connected to Our Neighbor’s Health

Our health is connected to our neighbor’s health.

I heard this statement somewhere on the radio, some days ago.

It’s a reminder that we are all connected.

“Patience, understanding, and helping each other is the best thing we can do at this time” –Z, the landlord

Oetics Quotes In Person

It’s not about the Details, it’s about your Perception of it

Do your best to give / bring good energy to the Family.

It’s not about the details, it’s about your perception of it.

It’s about the journey, the way. How are you experiencing the path?

Being humble and realizing that you Love everything that you Love, and you want to be Grateful for that.

It’s not about necessarily saying “Thank You”,

It’s about Appreciating what you have.

How do I honor the Path? Am I honoring the Path?

One way to honor the path is by doing the best you can do.

Honoring the family, by doing the best you can do with those connections.

Chillin Quotes In Person Reality

Life Curriculum Parts 1 – 2

I started a curriculum out of necessity. Essentially it is lots of things covered, some explicitly or implicitly in the first Spark the Flame book, other items being other concepts and connections.

The content naturally formed as a curriculum, a set of guidelines of how the universe has been observed to behave, and ways we can act best.

The order of the lessons / sections are not set in stone and can plausibly change.

Right now these are rough outlines / topics for discussion within a class environmnent.

Section 1: Karma; Interconnectivity

  • You get what you give
    • The universe reflects to you who you are being;
    • Life as a mirror
    • Boomerang
      • Always see yourself in the other person’s position, because whatever you do to them, comes back to you
    • Use your observation to see the direct answer that life gives to who you are being
  • Good karma saves your butt when you are in trouble!
  • You cannot get away with anything
    • May return in different ways (pain to another causes a proportionate pain to you, but not necessarily the same exact painful event)
  • Law of Attraction
    • Thoughts and feelings attract like things, thoughts, and feelings
      • Works through mind images and feelings
      • Also NLP / self-talk
    • Neuroplasticity builds energies and points of attraction into the subconscious
      • You are attracting things all the time: consciously and subconsciously
        • Modify the subconscious by exerting the conscious
    • Its more personal, the methods that work for you
      • Combine all methods that work for you
      • Some people use “dream books” and “vision boards”
      • My way is to walk with the mindset. It sort of “burns” it, or “overlays” it into the world
    • Always stay true to your greatest, loving values
    • Watch your thoughts, they do not occur in a vacuum. They bring like-minded thoughts and things into your life
  • Everything is connected
    • STF section on Interconnectivity
    • This is part of why Karma and LOA can function anywhere, anytime, with anything

Section 2: Recovery, Salvation, Redemption

  • ALWAYS an opportunity for course correction
    • This is the same as religions saying “God will always take you back / forgive you”
    • No matter how deep in ish you have reached, you can ALWAYS make the choice to begin coming back
Chillin Quotes In Person

Very Imperfect Beings We Are

Very imperfect beings we are.

-Myself accidentally doing a Yoda impression

Chillin Quotes In Person

The Present Moment is a Gift

The Present moment is a gift. That’s why they call it the “present.”

Live Events Quotes In Person

BookCon 2018 Public Reading of Spark the Flame

I did a public reading of my book Spark the Flame at BookCon at the Jacob Javitz Center in New York City on June 2, 2018. I read from the section/chapater titled “Theory of General Positivity”, pages 46 – 49.

Chillin Exponential Potential Quotes In Person

Practical Steps to Feel Better

1) Be grateful. for your Life, first thing when you wake up, and last thing when you go to sleep, every single day.

2) Interact more. with people you Love.

3) Consume inspiration. and uplifting content: books, audios, videos, events,

4) Practice meditation. every single day. At least 2 minutes a day.


Quotes In Person

Musings of Gratitude

I was at my cousin’s 30th birthday celebration last night, and when I asked him if there was something specific he asked for, he answered me with something like “nothing except health; health for me and my family, my friends and their family.” Then he started talking beautifully about how grateful he was, in general. He spoke for quite a bit of time, maybe 10minutes or more, about how he feels so much gratitude on a daily basis.

His waxing was beautiful and seemed to help me. I want to offer a small summary from my memory here:

“My girlfriend bought me this new watch, but it was at the bottom of this box of new sweats. When I opened the box I saw the sweats and thought that was my birthday gift from her, and I was so happy for them. After she led me to find the new watch, she said ‘how could you be happy with just sweats for a gift?’ I told her ‘I was so grateful that you got me something to keep me warm.’

I dont need an expensive meal, I’m happy if we go to Wendys.

All these people here at this celebration. They could be anywhere. They could be anywhere but they chose to be here. Some came from Jersey and other far parts of NY. And they’re here with me. I’m so grateful.

People are so busy. They have their own priorities and have very little time. Any time they give is a gift. Any time at all they choose to give me is a gift.

I used to feel I had to be in control of things. I thought by the age of 25 I would be married with 2 kids already. I used to be so upset that I didnt have this great job like my brother. But everyone has their own time. For some people it could be 25, for some it could be 30, for some it could be 35….

I have so much acceptance now. I had to learn to relax. To let things go. I dont have to be in control. Things will work out.”

I mentioned that it sounded like he had built a muscle of gratitude, and that he works out this muscle and it gets stronger; something like developing gratitude as a skill. He completely agreed.

Chillin Quotes In Person

Doc: “If you feel the bumps, you know you can smooth them out.

This means, most of the time, it is better to feel the bumps, than to numb them. Feeling provides you information, direction, insight, experience…”the fruit of Life“.


Chillin Quotes Quotes In Person

Doesn’t Have To Be Forced

Doesn’t have to be forced

– Latif

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“…the beautiful thing is with Faith you never know how you will get passed things but you just do.”

Exponential Potential Oetics Quotes In Person

An Old Poem, Brought Unto A Dream






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“Sometimes you literally have to grab yourself by the collar and pick yourself up.

The secret is momentum. Once you start you keep going. You dont stop.”



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Positive Thinking

Paola Andrea

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Who cares what people think – All that Matters is what’s in your Heart

Paola Andrea

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“We set our own obstacles”

-Paola Andrea

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“Your Life will come back to haunt you or to help you.”


Quotes Quotes In Person

“The grass is not greener on the other side, it’s greener wherever you wet it. It’s greener wherever you wet it.”

-Kirk’s Best Man

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“Dreaming of that place we all look for. We try to achieve. That quiet peaceful place where we feel powerful and aren’t afraid. The place where our brain is used at it’s capacity. So the potential is unlimited.

Where there is no fear.

Just love and fresh air and healthy water.

Lots of tall trees with deep mysterious shadows and beautiful moving bodies of water that teach us that life is always renewing itself.

Reminding us that change is un-avoidable. Part of growing.”

-Paola Andrea

Quotes Quotes In Person

“If you avoid the situation, the thought avoids you”


Quotes In Person

“You cant judge them because you’re not in their shoes, and even if you were you cant judge them because you’re judging yourself”

-Paola Andrea