Chillin Life Is Yours Oetics

A Poem for Love for Me

I found this poem tonight. I had written it on 4/4/2013 at 1am. This was a poem I wrote to myself; I was realizing and learning how I needed to feel love, instead of just logically knowing that I was loved. At the time I was referring to romantic love. Now I can probably expand this beyond that:

A Poem for Love for Me

It is not enough for me to know I

am loved, I need to Feel it.

I need to feel I am loved.

A week ago I realized a baby portrait of

mine has had barbed wire attached to

it all these years, literally. I could

not hold the portrait tight. I could

not hold it right.

Then I realized, that baby needs to be

held, not looked at. Not put somewhere

to be looked at. He

needs to be held.

And that is me. And it is a daily occurrence,

daily need. I need to feel it

everyday. Anything else is not enough.

Because When I don’t, I shrivel up and recoil,

and get cold and bitter. I cant live like


I need to grow and open my heart,

open up, and bloom. I’ve come too

far, I must

continue opening and growing

I May forget these details, but my heart

will not. My heart knows

that it needs Love it can feel.

My heart will not let me

stay with anything else.

-Dr. Orlando Fernandez


What is the Answer

What is the Answer?

I don’t even know the question.

I know I’m constantly looking for something.

Whatever it is, it’s not going to be found outside.

Even if I’m looking for human interaction / connection, the answer undoubtedly lies in me, or should I say ‘truths’ in me.

In a way, that’s a good thing.

It’s always there. Even if lost, it’s still with me.

Part of it has to do with needing. Needing / feeding from someone…it’s ultimately the direction or path, is through yourself. But, not the ego / character, more so, that door is found inside.

Maybe the reflections on the outside, which is all reflection, helps point us to that door, that way. And by ‘way,’ I mean honor, focus, source.

I don’t think you, nor I, are exclusively the source, but if you are unsatisfied with the outside, consider looking inside.

Chillin Life Is Yours Oetics Reality

Be Surprised in Life and Enjoy It

Allowing / Appreciating versus Pulling / Feeding:

If I find myself energetically feeding on someone, whether feeding through their body or some other way, and I tell myself and get myself to stop, I find that it equates to a change from taking to allowing. And inevitably that allowing transforms into or invites my appreciation.

So that got me thinking: if I did more appreciating of how things turn out and allowing instead of pulling, then I’d be more open to how Life wants to turn out, and I think I would be more aligned with the purpose and meaning of Life, which may be to: be surprised and enjoy it.

Oetics Quotes In Person

It’s not about the Details, it’s about your Perception of it

Do your best to give / bring good energy to the Family.

It’s not about the details, it’s about your perception of it.

It’s about the journey, the way. How are you experiencing the path?

Being humble and realizing that you Love everything that you Love, and you want to be Grateful for that.

It’s not about necessarily saying “Thank You”,

It’s about Appreciating what you have.

How do I honor the Path? Am I honoring the Path?

One way to honor the path is by doing the best you can do.

Honoring the family, by doing the best you can do with those connections.

Chillin Oetics

Thank You for this Blessedness

Thank you for this Blessedness

And help me be true to my Loved values.


On the quest for happiness and fulfillment, Living in this Life without written instructions

Even if you could have everything you want,

what is the point of that?

Listen to those who come before you,

When you get what you want, you

will always want more.

The difference and lasting satisfaction

comes when you appreciate.

The power of human connection

is so underrated, it will

contribute to meaning and purpose

in your heart.


Keep Looking and Loving for Healthy Answers

We are beautiful, and spiritually cleaning ourselves, when we keep looking and loving for healthy answers.


Treat Everything as Sacred

Treat everything as sacred

Chillin Oetics

Gratitude Starts NOW

Gratitude starts NOW.

The infinite depth of Gratitude:

Each moment must be submerged in Gratitude:

If this moment cannot, no other moment will suffice.

Chillin Oetics Reality

Leap of Faith…

Leap of Faith

Sometimes the Faith is exhibited by knowing that you dont have to jump.

Chillin Oetics Quotes Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Starting new Spark the Flame podcast!

I think it will be about once per week for new episodes. Will be talking about Life, and trying to keep things inspirational.

Will aim to keep the episodes around half an hour long.

Here is the first episode, about 5 minutes long. Enjoy!

Chillin Oetics

A proposed working definition for Love:

Love means

“I choose you in my life,

over not having you.”

And if you need to decide between loving two things,

it is not being handled right,

because love is unconditional.


A Map of the World

“One of the ancient maps of the world

is heart-shaped, carefully drawn

and once washed with bright colors,

though the colors have faded

as you might expect feelings to fade

from a fragile old heart, the brown map

of a life. But feeling is indelible,

and longing infinite, a starburst compass

pointing in all the directions

two lovers might go, a fresh breeze

swelling their sails, the future uncharted,

still far from the edge

where the sea pours into the stars.”

-Ted Kooser

Chillin Oetics

I Broke the Egg Yolk. So What?

I was feeling good, then the egg yolk broke.

And I felt a moment of disappointment, but went back to feeling good.

It wouldn’t have mattered if the egg yolk had stayed intact, I would have still felt disappointed at something.

Then, in the same way, it would be up to me to feel better 🙂

Chillin Oetics

I want to Be Happy

Where I am Now.

Nothing else can come and

Give me Happiness.

The Key to Happiness is only found

In this Moment.

Chillin Oetics

It seems every human inevitably has dirt.

Loving myself, while being aware of dirt with me, and giving everyday effort to use the dirt for good as possible, helps me to connect with and love someone else, as I may see dirt with others from time to time.

Chillin Oetics

Stay Open, Friends

Stay open, friends.

Stay open.


Life is a Sensational Ball of Mystery. Literally.

Chillin Oetics

Theres so much out there to explore.

Then again, theres so much in here to be grateful for.

Live Events Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

NYU Bookstore Talk on Writing and Spark The Flame

Finally been able to upload the talk I gave at the NYU Bookstore, July 21, 2016.

The talk mostly covers some thoughts on writing itself, but towards the end I briefly speak about my book Spark The Flame.

Please forgive the low video quality.

Enjoy 🙂


Last year in April I walked the labyrinth at the basement of Marble Collegiate Church.


This is what I wrote during that walk:


Go forward in sacredness


You do not go forward

without the sacredness /

unless you invite the sacredness


How sacred and special

this Life is


Every part is just as

valuable as every other part

Before you know it,

you’re there.

It’s the journey that is sacred

There is no piece that is more valuable than any other

It is all sacred space

This is a sacred walk.

Life, is a sacred walk.

Stand still, until you

feel, acknowledge,

Breath the sacredness

with every breath:

If the breath is not sacred,

stand still until it is,

until you can walk with

sacred breath again.

The path will always have

difficulty, that is the

nature of the path.

Life Is Yours Oetics

If I Could Kiss Every Moment, With Full Blown Lips

If I could kiss every moment,

with full blown lips,

I would tell it “Thank you for being here,”

to let it know that its

presence is appreciated.

You know, I can do this.

Oetics Using The Brain

Feel Appreciation

Feel appreciation. Don’t look just to think it. Feel it;

without words.


Chillin Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

“Whenever you realize you do not have full control:

Trust in Life.”

Spark the Flame

Chillin Oetics

Bubble of Fun and Appreciation

Find the bubble of fun and appreciation,

Of where you are right now.

Where you are in life. How your life is.

Your space. It’s like a bubble of comfort, humor, adventure, relief, ease, flow.

Chillin Inserts Life Is Yours Oetics

I Cannot Wait for Others to Accept Me. I Must Accept Myself

I cannot wait for others to accept me. I must accept myself.

Chillin Oetics

How Sacred and Special this Life is

How sacred and special this Life is. It is all sacred space.

This is a sacred walk.

Stand still, until you feel, acknowledge, Breathe the sacredness with every breath

Chillin Interconnectivity Oetics

The Cleaner Your Motives, The Safer You Are

The cleaner your motives, the safer you are.

Another way to say it is:

To clear up your dangers, clean up your motives.

Act with good intention towards Life and its inhabitants, and Life will reciprocate towards you.

Oetics Trying To Not Drink

Three Years Sober From Alcohol

Three years sober from alcohol.

Only by the Grace of the Divine.

Help me continue to be free from alcohol. I am trying to be a good person for this world, for my Life.

Thank you

Exponential Potential Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

Love Is Key, And You Are The Keyhole

Love is key, and you are the keyhole