I love what Emily Esfahani Smith says. She is someone I can always count on, much like Brené Brown, to speak very authentically, with a powerful, conscious heart. Emily Esfahani Smith is a researcher and author. The findings that she speaks about are much of what I have noticed in my own explorations and trials and tribulations of experiencing meaning in life. I am grateful also for the interviewer who goes in rapid pace to ensure that Emily covers a lot of ground in useful depth of her knowledge in this area. I truly hope you enjoy this amazing interview.
Category: Chillin
Just chillin
“I feel like I belong everywhere I go, no matter where it is or who I’m with, as long as I never betray myself. And the minute I become who you want me to be, in order to fit in and make sure people like me, is the moment I no longer belong anywhere. And that is hard. I mean that’s a hard practice, that’s an everyday practice.”
-Brene Brown
We are perfect in our imperfections
The Present Moment is a Gift
The Present moment is a gift. That’s why they call it the “present.”
(Darrell Scott is the father of Rachel from “Rachel’s Challenge”)
Where Courage Lives
Even where there is fear, it doesnt mean we wont overcome. That is where courage lives.
“Every person is sacred. Every human life is a parable, a story which has spiritual value.”
-Anthony T. Padovano
Just wanted to share, that it seems like I will be required to be mostly straightedge. Maybe a little portion of a hookah every once in a blue might be ok, but even that I dont know.
- I cannot smoke cigarettes because even one now will create in me a hacking coughing fit
- I cannot drink alcohol because even one sip may cause me to binge where I become a danger to the lives of myself and others
- I cannot smoke weed, because the last two times I broke my abstinence from marijuana I became extremely emotionally distraught, where I am at risk of wanting to leave this world.
Looks like this leaves me with tea and hot sauce 🙂
Jim Carrey has been going through an “existential discovery” for some years
“I used to be a guy who was experiencing the world, and now I feel like the world and the universe experiencing a guy.”
-Jim Carrey
“Here’s the thing, if we have goals and dreams, and we want to do our best, and if we love people and we don’t want to hurt them or lose them, we should feel pain when things go wrong. The point isn’t to live without any regrets…We need to learn to love the flawed, imperfect things that we create and to forgive ourselves for creating them.”
–Kathryn Schulz
1) Be grateful. for your Life, first thing when you wake up, and last thing when you go to sleep, every single day.
2) Interact more. with people you Love.
3) Consume inspiration. and uplifting content: books, audios, videos, events,
4) Practice meditation. every single day. At least 2 minutes a day.
Today is the Day
Thank You for Where I Am
Gratitude starts NOW.
The infinite depth of Gratitude:
Each moment must be submerged in Gratitude:
If this moment cannot, no other moment will suffice.
After uploading the most recent podcast, I ran into this short video of Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning:
Also found online here:
He speaks about aiming for your greater potential to reach one’s true possibilities. Enjoy 🙂
This podcast ended up being over 1 hour long! Enjoy!
I ran into this excerpt, regarding how healthy it is to explore the unknown parts of ourselves, sometimes referred to as our “shadow”.
Excerpt is by Caroline Myss, co-creator of the work “Sacred Path of the Shadow”:
A Difference in Desperation
As all types of people and texts and theories and such give advice on how to make what you want happen in Life, I find it extremely interesting how the desperation of one person “A” assures that person “A” gets what they want or need, while the desperation of person “B” assures that person “B” does not get what they want or need.
What is the difference between desperation that gains and desperation that loses?
It seems to me the answer is something along these lines:
It is “color”, the tone of the desperation vibration.
Desperation that gains says: ‘I need this thing and in some way or other I am going to get it.’
Desperation that loses says: ‘I need this thing and I think I will never get it.’